The Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, London SE1
WRAP UP WARM AND COME ON IN! The Crick Crack Club has joined forces with storytelling clubs – Tailspin, Scandalmongers, Infectious Theatre & Torriano Storynight; with Art Macabre, and with individual artists, performers, film-makers, musicians and some fabulous helper-outers to create and curate a pop-up festival of fairytales for grown-ups in the atmospheric and magical Bargehouse – a raw 4-storey un-modernised Victorian warehouse on the banks of the River Thames, beneath the iconic OXO Tower.
This mythological take-over of the Bargehouse combines performance storytelling, film, art, drawing salons, hot chocolate and more. Here Baba Yaga, cross-dressing heroes, confused lovers and Greek Goddesses collide in full-blooded style. Expect unashamed magic, rich metaphor and genteel chaos in this wintery treasure house of myth, epic and rumour.
Enter a Wild Haven of Fairytale…crickcrackclub.com
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